Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's Late & I'm Tired

I think humans are fascinating. One moment we can love someone with all our being, the next moment we "break up" and never speak to the person again. It works the other way, too. We can never know someone our entire lives and then, when we meet them, our world is consumed by them. I wonder if animals are like that. Or insects. I bet animals and insects aren't as shallow and selfish as we are.

Sometimes I try and imagine what kind of personalities inanimate objects would have, like the couch or the dinning room lamp. I even wrote a short story about a conversation between a lamp and a couch, and it gave me a new perspective on things.

But anyway.

What was I talking about before the inanimate objects thing? Oh yes. Humans. I think we're pretty (excuse my language) fucked up things. We're so selfish and greedy and proud. In conversation, we always try and put ourselves in the best possible light, and we lie for the stupidest, most useless things ("Have you ever seen that movie?" "Yeah, it was sooo funny.") We pretend to love someone, or hide that we love someone, and we hurt others to protect ourselves. I would be lying if I said I never did that.

But here comes the weird part. I truly believe it's these horrible attributes that helps make us beautiful.

XOXO, Dani


  1. eeek it sounds like you are pretty jaded. I agree with alot of your points, its good your learning this all young, you dont want to be so young and susceptible when your older.

    Just, try to give people the benefit of the doubt, it really puts your mind at ease, at least for me, just be like "hey, I'll give this person a little trust if their decent, and if they take it back, so be it" live and let die my dear.

  2. Well, that definitely gave me a whole new insight. You left me wondering about the social skills of animals and other beings. I do believe they aren't as shallow as we are, they do show their true colors.
    I'd be a hypocrite if I say I never tried to put myself in good light either. This is part of human nature. Everyone's good a good point and skeletons they hide in the closet. But overtime we see each others true colors and we either accept them or we don't.
