Saturday, December 19, 2009

Two Updates in One Day?

Yes. It is true. Haha. I figured that after my previous, horrible attempt at a post, I should make a post about my upcoming idea for the upcoming year. (And I'm going to do back to my fashion-y posts sooner or later, don't worry. Haha.)

Ready for the title of said new project? HERE IT IS!

365 Days in the Life of Danika

Or maybe I should just call it LOOK AT HOW MONOTONOUS AND BORING MY LIFE IS!

What I plan to do is take a picture everyday next year of something I'm doing, or of my surroundings. I don't think I'll do it for every hour I am awake (Can you imagine that?! I know someone who does that, albeit she's not doing everyday for a year, and she has waaay too many pictures as it is.), but I'll probably do it at the same time every day. Maybe every 1:00? Every morning? Something like that.

So, what do you guys think? Yes or no? To be honest, I'm going to do it regardless if you guys suggest no =P Not that there is anyone who reads this to say no. Haha.

I also have another project that I've thought up, but I requires a few people who live in different places in California for it to work. If you're up for it, please comment!

XOXO, Dani

1 comment:

  1. Danika,
    I, like you, did not know that you had a blog. It's so well written, I'm so glad you saw mine so that I could see yours. :)

    I'm definitely liking this photograph idea, hopefully you'll have time to do it, because it will be very interesting to follow.

    I would be up to participate in something you've thought of, I can represent LA.
